
Fishing planet guide steam
Fishing planet guide steam

fishing planet guide steam

Many new players think than terminal tackle is the key to success, but it is just a ONE small part of the whole picture. Watch it from the start to the end - listen and analyze ( game changes and u need to justify if the info u got from video valid or need any adjustments). You dont have to practice here in a comp time, because u are practicing to cast at right spot, detect fish ( it is important to understand when the fish is about to bite and not move your bait ( this part atm is not the same as it is shown in video due to the fact u cant check it by clicking rmb and watching indicators)) and do a good strike ( you cant win if u are loosing many fishes due to your inapropriate striking.Īs i say many times before - dont hurry up by jumping ingame and testing the first thing u found in video. In his video cocoawarlock goes over a setup weakness which is a keeping the line tension up so u might consider testing it and adjusting if u like your setup better. Fishing Planet > Guides > LudiansGamings Guides This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Fishing Planet Mod Menu (FishHAXZ v3.0) - ESP, No Fish Fight, InstaReel, Flyhack, and more Share Watch on v4.2 FEATURES: 1.) Mod Menu 2.) ESP (shows length, weight, and fish type) 3.) Flyhack 4.

fishing planet guide steam

I do not condone using this hack against other players in tournaments or competitions. 2BaNaNa! Well the setup is not important, you can use whatever u have and like if it strong enough, gives u proper catchrate, allows to reel in fish fast enough and let u cast far enough. This only works for the Steam release of the game.

Fishing planet guide steam